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By Jeremy Schiffres, Daily and Sunday Freeman, Kingston, N.Y.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Hot time, summer in the valley

Some things to do around here this Memorial Day weekend:
* Find a pool or good air-conditioning. It's gonna be a scorcher!
* Take in the annual art and crafts fair at the the Ulster County Fairgrounds in New Paltz, the antiques fair at the Dutchess County Fairgrounds in Rhinebeck or Saturday's kickoff of this year's Old Town Stockade Farmers' Market on Wall Street in Uptown Kingston.
* Throw a steak or some burgers on the grill, and tell me what time I should come over.
* Avoid driving too far. Gas prices these days are just ridiculous. (And -- sorry to repeat myself from the other day -- PLEASE don't drink and drive.)
* Catch one of the local parades. I plan to be at Kingston's and Hurley's on Monday because my son's marching band (from J. Watson Bailey Middle School in Kingston) will be in both.
* Wish my wife a happy birthday if you happen to run into her on Sunday. She's turning 29. (Yeah, right.)
* Catch the Yankees-Angels series, either at the Stadium or on TV. It may not be the Subway Series or the Red Sox rivalry, but there's rarely a dull moment when these two teams get together.
* Take at least a few minutes to remember what Memorial Day is about. It's fine to have a barbeque in the back yard and look for sales at the mall, but don't forget the U.S. military personnel who died in service to our country. (And remember all the U.S. troops who currently are serving in harm's way.)
* And, of course, have a safe and happy holiday!



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